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"Impact is the good that researchers can do in the world."

Mark Reed


Our evidence-based tools empower busy researchers to use their work to change the world


As researchers, we have less time than ever before. Impact is the latest expectation from our funders, Governments and Universities. As the pressure rises, we lose our time to think, and the academic freedom to create and be curious.


Through Fast Track Impact, we can help you get impact from your research without having to work any more than you already do. I’m not going to ask you to change who you are. You are all driven by gloriously diverse qualities - curiosity, creativity, challenge, or a desire to change the world.  You can use these drivers to fuel impact on your own terms.

"I have studied impact across disciplines and contexts around the world, to ask “what works?”. But knowing what works isn’t enough. You need to know what works in the real world, when your time is already stretched to breaking point. Fast Track Impact courses and resources help you focus on the few things you need to do if you want to generate impact between the cracks. We will help you get more impact, get your time back and get inspired by your research all over again."

Thumbing Through an Old Book

Free online impact training for researchers

Take this free 5 week course to fast track your impact:
5 mins video, 5 mins reading and tasks each week that will super-charge your impact, whatever your subject or career stage

Free resources for effective policy engagement

Whether you seek to inform the policies of an organisation, local government, national policy or guidelines, or influence policy on the international stage, these resources will provide practical guidance on using your research to change how things are done, for the better.

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We've trained >8000 researchers from >200 institutions in 55 countries:

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