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“I am excited to welcome you to the first issue of the Fast Track Impact magazine. There is more and more interest from researchers about how they can generate impact from their work, but there is very little high quality, new material that can help them. This magazine attempts to fill this gap in a way that is enjoyable, relaxing and inspiring for people who have to speed-read for a living.


I have enough impenetrable jargon to get through every day in the journal articles I’m reading and the grant proposals I review. I want to learn more about research impact without hurting my head even more. That’s why I’ve edited this magazine to be as easy to digest and as uplifting as possible, in the hope that you might choose to read this during a break or on your commute to work.

This first issue includes my latest thinking on impact alongside the latest news and stories from others working in the field. I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Fast Track Impact’s in-house designer and our photographer, to create something that I hope you will value enough to share with colleagues. The second issue will be due in the second half of the year.


Our mission in Fast Track Impact is to change the way researchers generate and share knowledge, so that their ideas can change the world. I hope that the articles in this first issue inspire you to do just this.”


Prof Mark Reed

HEFCE Chair of Socio-Technical Innovation at Newcastle University

Chief Operating Officer, Fast Track Impact Ltd

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