Training follow-up: 5 steps to embed impact in your research
Now you’ve done the initial training, you have the opportunity to take five steps that will help you embed what you learned in your research. You can work through these steps yourself in the handbook, but if you sign up to take these steps with Mark online, you get access to extra material and links to Word versions of all the templates we’ve used today and others I didn’t have time to cover. Steps arrive via email every week for five weeks, and you can work through the material at any time. The steps consist of a 6 minute video with accompanying text and tasks. Each step should take you around 15 minutes to work through, and anywhere from a couple of minutes to a couple of hours to complete the week's tasks.
Signing up helps you remember to apply what you’ve learned in the course and significantly increases your chances of achieving impacts.
The five steps:
Week 1: Envision your impact
Week 2: Plan for impact
Week 3: Cut back anything hindering or distracting you from your impact
Week 4: Get specific about the impacts you will seek and the people who can help you achieve impact this month
Week 5: Achieve your first step towards impact and monitor your success
If you want to take part in the follow up, please provide your details below. Note that this will also subscribe you to Mark’s Research Impact News emails, every month or two. You can change your mind and stop the course and unsubscribe from emails at any point. We will never share your details with anyone.