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The ethics of engagement and impact
Online or in-person course


Course Description


Discover the essentials of ethical research impact in this highly interactive workshop. Drawing on the latest scholarship on the ethics of engagement and impact from a project led by Professors Mark Reed and Eric Jensen, with Dr Louise Rutt and Prof James Daybell, this workshop provides an overview of ethical impact practices to foster meaningful, long-term impacts. Key benefits include:​


  • Ethical framework. Gain essential knowledge about ethical research impact and learn a structured framework to guide your ethical practices, enhancing the integrity and effectiveness of your work.


  • Effective stakeholder engagement and co-design. Develop skills to prioritize the needs of those affected by your research through stakeholder-centered approaches, systematic impact analysis, and co-designing research with beneficiaries.


  • Equity, diversity, and inclusion. Learn to ensure equity and inclusion by identifying and addressing barriers to engagement, and adapt communication channels to include diverse perspectives in your research processes.


  • Risk mitigation and accountability. Acquire skills to proactively identify, assess, and mitigate potential risks and negative impacts, while maintaining accountability through continuous evaluation of your research and engagement activities.


  • Practical strategies for lasting impact. Equip yourself with actionable strategies and best practices to create meaningful, long-term impacts with your research, ensuring it responsibly benefits society.


Developed by Fast Track Impact, the Institute for Methods Innovation and the University of Plymouth, this training course will equip you with practical strategies and ethical good practices to employ as you seek to make a lasting difference with your research.


At the end of the workshop:

  • You receive slides and links to free resources to help you embed what you learned in your research and practice


  • Prof Reed continues to answer all questions from participants via email after the course, guaranteeing a response to all questions within one week.


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Ethical Engagement & Impact Resources

Workshop facilitators


The trainers available for this course all have hands-on experience with the ethics of engagement and impact. A specific trainer may be requested, however availability is limited so an alternative may be offered based on the date(s) requested.


Prof. Eric A. Jensen

Institute for Methods Innovation / Fast Track Impact, University of Illinois, University of Warwick

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Prof. Mark S. Reed

Institute for Methods Innovation / Fast Track Impact, University of Illinois, University of Warwick

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Dr. Lois Rutt

University of Plymouth

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Prof. James Daybell

University of Plymouth

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Live workshop duration

Half day (3 hours)

Half day (3 hours)

2 hours

2 hours

Format for live workshop (virtual or in-person) (max. 50 participants)





Total cost





(exc. travel costs)




(exc. travel costs)

   This cost is VAT inclusive. The training course is delivered exclusively by nonprofit organisations as vocational training, and is therefore VAT exempt. 


   Profs. Jensen and Reed are only available for virtual training sessions. An extra fee of £300 applies to bookings with Prof. Reed.



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