Influencing policy
Online course
Course description
This course will help you navigate the complex and ethical challenges of working with policy to make meaningful and far-reaching impact. Learn informing and influencing strategies and the different roles you can play in policy networks to give voice to those who are rarely heard in the corridors of power. You will have the opportunity to debate and consider your own ethical boundaries, so you can gain the confidence you need to engage with policy safely, responsibly and effectively. As part of the session you will receive a discount code for The Researcher’s Guide to Influencing Policy.
Key benefits:
Learn how to get your research into policy, wherever you work in the world.
Discover time-saving tools to identify who to engage with, so you can plan policy impacts more effectively and efficiently.
Discuss how to design an effective policy brief, infographic or policy slide deck and create your own policy product for feedback.
Learn how to co-produce and use policy products effectively to drive impact.
Learn how to pitch evidence in presentations to influence policy.
Learn how to evidence policy impacts.
Be inspired and challenged by case studies and thought-provoking discussion points.
At the end of the workshop:
You receive slides and links to free resources to help you embed impact in your research.
You have the option to make a commitment to an action based on the course and receive a follow-up email from Prof Jensen to check in and help as necessary after a month.
Prof Jensen and Prof Reed continue to answer all questions from participants via email after the course, guaranteeing a response to all questions within one week.
Preparation for the day
Please choose (only) one policy product to read and critique before the training. You can choose a policy brief, an infographic or a presentation (note that presentations consist of both a PowerPoint file and a notes file in Word with the same title, and one has a video of the slides being presented). You will be asked to discuss the product you chose in small groups, explaining what you liked or disliked about it and why.
Choose the policy product you want to review from one of the three folders via this link.
Ready to book a virtual workshop?
Read our Terms and Conditions.
(3 hours)
2,290 British pounds(6 hours, split over two days)
4,490 British pounds
Discuss your training needs with a Fast Track Impact expert.
What are people saying about this course?
“I enjoyed getting more honest insights on influencing policy – not just doing it all “by the book”.”
“I will now try to cultivate relationships with policy makers.”
“Q&A periods were fab. Loved the self-depreciating anecdotes and instances of failure as well as success. Policy discussion exercises were fun. Excellent day – thanks.”
"I've learned how to be strategic [about impact] and ask myself hard questions."
“I love the book and the fact that [the course] was run by a researcher."