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Integrating Impact into Funding Proposals.png

Integrating impact into funding proposals
Online course

Course description

Learn how to increase your success rates and integrate impact into your next research proposal. You will learn about practical tools to time-efficiently increase the significance and reach of your impact. You will also learn how to use these tools to write more competitively about impact in funding proposals, putting what you learn into practice in a break-out room session where you will critique how impact was integrated into two contrasting example proposals. As part of the session, you will receive a PDF copy of the second edition of The Research Impact Handbook.

Key benefits:

  • Discuss insider tips and tricks, and get bid writing tools to help you co-produce your next proposal with the people most likely to benefit from your research.

  • Discuss examples of impact sections from real research proposals.

  • Learn how to integrate impact convincingly with your proposal, using a mapping approach to ensure your impact goals map onto your impact problem statement, beneficiaries and impact generation activities whilst managing risks and assumptions.

  • Power all this with a systematic approach to identifying beneficiaries and an impact logic model that will make it easy to articulate specific and credible impacts.​

At the end of the workshop:

  • Receive slides and links to free resources to help you embed impact in your research.

  • ​​If you choose to commit to taking a specific action based on the course, you will receive a follow-up email from your trainer(s) after a month to check on your progress and offer assistance if needed.

  • Receive curated responses to participants' questions via email after the workshop, with responses provided within one week.

What's covered?

View example agendas

Rapid (1.5-hour) session

Integrating impact (1.5 hours).png

Half-day (3-hour) session

Integrating impact (3 hours).png

Full-day (6-hour) session

Integrating impact (6 hours).png
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