Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement (CAPE) is a knowledge exchange and research project that explores how to support effective and sustained engagement between academics and policy professionals across the higher education sector.
Universities Policy Engagement Network (UPEN) is a central space for academics, policy actors, and professional services staff who undertake and support academic-policy engagement. We champion academic policy engagement to strengthen evidence-informed policymaking in the UK.
The Centre for Science and Policy (CSaP) works with a unique network of academics and decision-makers to improve the use of evidence and expertise in public policy. Our approach is based on addressing the questions which policy makers identify, and on building relationships characterised by mutual understanding, respect and trust.
The Institute for Government (IfG) is the UK’s leading independent think tank, working to make government more effective. Through in-depth analysis, expert commentary and influential public events, it explores how government works and how it can work better. Their ‘How to engage with policy makers: A guide for academics in the arts and humanities’ report provides steps that academics can take to improve their engagement with public policy and to make it meaningful for their research.
The POST Knowledge Exchange Unit supports the exchange of information and expertise between researchers and the UK Parliament. Their section on ‘Sourcing reliable and impartial scientific research for Parliament’ is especially relevant.
The Government Office for Science (GoS) advises the Prime Minister and Cabinet to help ensure they are putting excellent science advice at the heart of decision-making. You can read their ‘Guide to engaging with government for academics’ and their ‘Routes for academic engagement with Government’ guidance.
Overton Engage is a database of policy engagement opportunities from all over the world. They collate thousands of calls for evidence, public consultations, expert panel openings and policy fellowships into one place, to show how your expertise can make a difference.
Guides and toolkits
ESRC | Impact toolkit for economic and social sciences: How to do effective knowledge exchange.
The LWEC Knowledge Exchange Guidelines (published in 2012 by NERC). These guidelines are divided into eight components, each representing a key stage in a successful knowledge exchange process: target, design, engage, facilitate, share, impact, sustain, and evaluate.
The Science for Policy Handbook from the European Joint Research Centre provides advice on how to bring science to the attention of policymakers. This resource is dedicated to researchers and research organisations aiming to achieve policy impacts. The book includes lessons learned along the way, advice on new skills, practices for individual researchers, elements necessary for institutional change, and knowledge areas and processes in which to invest.
Kingsley, I. (2022). STEM Equity Evaluation Portal. Australian Government Office of the Women in STEM Ambassador.
Kingsley, I. (2020). Evaluating STEM Equity Programs: A guide to effective program evaluation. Office of the Women in STEM Ambassador.
Academic literature
Jensen, E. & Laurie, C. (2016). Doing Real Research: A Practical Guide to Social Research. Sage Publications Limited.
Jensen, E. & Reed, M. (2019). Investigating the link between research data and impact Australian Research Data Commons.
Jensen, E. (2020). Why impact evaluation matters in science communication: Or, advancing the science of science communication. Chapter in Science Communication in South Africa: Reflections on Current Issues by P. Weingart et al. (eds.), African Minds, pp. 213-228.
Jensen, E. (2020). Investigating the link between research data and impact- Phase II. Australian Research Data Commons. |
Jensen, E., Wong, P. & Reed, M. (2022). How research data deliver non-academic impacts: A secondary analysis of UK Research Excellence Framework impact case studies. PLoS ONE, Volume 17, Issue 3.
Oliver, K., Hopkins, A., Boaz, A., Guillot-Wright, S. & Cairney, P. (2022). What works to promote research-policy engagement?, Evidence & Policy, 18(4): 691–713.
Patton, M. Q. (2000). Utilisation-focused Evaluation. In Stufflebeam, D.L., Madaus, G.F., Kellaghan, T. (eds) Evaluation Models. Evaluation in Education and Human Services, vol 49. Springer, Dordrecht.
Reed, M.S. et al. (2021). Evaluating impact from research: A methodological framework. Research Policy, Volume 50, Issue 4.