Read the most recent newsletter (July 2019)
Policy Briefs
Key challenges for AgriFood Supply Chains Post-Brexit: private actors, longevity and food waste (June 2019, with N8 AgriFood)
What is the evidence that public money leads to public goods delivery from agri-environment schemes? (with Resilient Dairy Landscapes and iCASP projects)
What role for public-private partnerships to deliver public goods? (with Resilient Dairy Landscapes project)
Options for post-Brexit agricultural policy in the peatlands of upland Britain (September 2016, pre-project brief based on existing research)

Journal articles
Glenk K, Martin-Ortega J (2018). The economics of peatland restoration. Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 7: 345-362.
Glenk, K., Meyerhoff, J., Akaichi, F. and Martin-Ortega, J. 2019. Revisiting cost vector effects in discrete choice experiments. Resource and Energy Economics 57: 135-155.
Faccioli, M, Czajkowski, M, Glenk, K. and Martin-Ortega, J. (2020) Environmental attitudes and place identity as determinants of preferences for environmental goods. Ecological Economics
Kenter, J.O., 2018. IPBES: don’t throw out the baby whilst keeping the bathwater; Put people’s values central, not nature’s contributions. Ecosystem Services 33: 40-43.
Young, D.M., Baird, A.J., Charman, D.J., Evans, C.D., Gallego-Sala, A.V., Gill, P.J., Hughes, P.D., Morris, P.J. and Swindles, G.T., 2019. Misinterpreting carbon accumulation rates in records from near-surface peat. Scientific Reports 9: 1-8.
Evans CD, Baird AJ, Green SM, Page, S.E., Peacock, M., Reed, M.S., Rose, N.L., Stoneman, R., Thom, T.J., Young, D.M., Garnett, M.H. (2019). Comment on: “Peatland carbon stocks and burn history: Blanket bog peat core evidence highlights charcoal impacts on peat physical properties and long‐term carbon storage,” by Heinemeyer et al. Geo: Geography and Environment e00075. https://doi.org/10.1002/geo2.75
Baird, A.J., Evans, C.D., Mills, R., Morris, P.J., Page, S.E., Peacock, M., Reed, M.S., Robroek, B.J.M., Stoneman R., Swindles, G.T., Thom T., Waddington, J.M., Young D.M. (in press). Managing peatlands with fire? Nature Geoscience 12: 884-885.
Martin-Ortega, J., Dylan M. Young, Klaus Glenk, Andy J. Baird, Laurence Jones, Edwin C. Rowe, Chris D. Evans, Martin Dallimer, Mark S. Reed (2021). Linking ecosystem changes to their social outcomes: Lost in translation, Ecosystem Services 50: 101327.
Glenk, K., Faccioli, M., Martin-Ortega, J., Schulze, C. and Potts, J., (2021). The opportunity cost of delaying climate action: peatland restoration and resilience to climate change. Global Environmental Change 70: 102323
Martino S, Kenter J, Albers N, Reed, MS Whittingham MJ, Young D, Pearce-Higgins J (2022) Trade-offs between the natural environment and recreational infrastructure: A case study about peatlands under different management scenarios. Land Use Policy 123: 106401
Zimmerman A, Kenter J (2023) Framing the change and changing frames: Tensions in participative strategy development. Politics & Policy
Albers, N., Kenter, J., Reed, M.S., Young, Y., Martino, S. (2019) Values and policy workshop report (July 2019)
New initiative to combine data across studies and sites to better inform peatland policy and practice (March 2019)
Okumah, M., Walker, C., Martin-Ortega, J., Ferré, M., Glenk, K. and Novo, P. (2019). How much does peatland restoration cost? Insights from the UK. University of Leeds - SRUC Report.
Glenk K, Novo P, Roberts M, Martin-Ortega J, Potts J (2018) The costs of peatland restoration in Scotland: considerations for data collection and systematic analysis. University of Leeds - SRUC Report.
Glenk, K, Faccioli M, Martin-Ortega J (2018). Report on findings from a survey on public preferences for peatlands restoration: timing and long term resilience of peatlands under climate change.
Alternative futures for UK peatlands: stakeholder workshop report (December 2017)
The following publications arose from three Valuing Nature Network projects led by team members, upon which this project is building (members of the Peatland Tipping Points project are in bold).
Valuing Peatlands publications
Reed, M.S., Bonn, A., Evans, C., Glenk, K., Hansjurgens, B. (2014) Editorial: Assessing and valuing peatland ecosystem services for sustainable management. Ecosystem Services 9: 1-4.
Evans, C., Bonn, A., Holden, J., Reed, M.S., Worrall, F., Evans, M., Glenk, K., Parnell, M. (2014) Relationships between anthropogenic pressures and ecosystem functions in UK blanket bogs: Linking process understanding to ecosystem service valuation. Ecosystem Services 9: 5-19.
Glenk, K., Schaafsma, M., Moxey, A., Martin-Ortega, J., Hanley, N. (2014) A framework for valuing spatially targeted peatland restoration. Ecosystem Services 9: 20-33.
Martin-Ortega, J., Allott, T.E.H., Glenk, K., Schaafsmad, M (2014) Valuing water quality improvements from peatland restoration: Evidence and challenges. Ecosystem Services 9: 34-43.
Reed, M.S., Moxey, A., Prager, K., Hanley, N., Skates, J., Evans, C., Glenk, K., Scarpa, R., Thompson, K. (2014) Improving the link between payments and the provision of ecosystem services in agri-environment schemes in UK peatlands. Ecosystem Services 9: 44-53.
Bonn, A., Reed MS, Evans, C., Joosten, H., Bain, C., Farmer, J., Emmer, I., Couwenberg, J., Moxey, A., Artz, R., Tanneberger, F., von Unger, M., Smyth, M.A., Birnie, R. (2014) Investing in nature: developing ecosystem service markets for peatland restoration. Ecosystem Services 9: 54-65.
More information about the Valuing Peatland project.
Stocks and Flows publications
Jones, L., Norton, L., Austin, Z., Browne, A.L., Donovan, D., Emmett, B.A., Grabowski, Z.J., Howard, D.C., Jones, J.P.G., Kenter, J.O., Manley, W., 2016. Stocks and flows of natural and human-derived capital in ecosystem services. Land Use Policy 52: 151-162.
Robinson, D.A., Fraser, I., Dominati, E.J., Davíðsdóttir, B., Jónsson, J.O.G., Jones, L., Jones, S.B., Tuller, M., Lebron, I., Bristow, K.L. and Souza, D.M., 2014. On the value of soil resources in the context of natural capital and ecosystem service delivery. Soil Science Society of America Journal 78: 685-700.
More information about the Stocks and Flows project.
Bridge - From Values to Decisions publications
Kenter JO, O’Brien L, Hockley N, Ravenscroft N, Fazey I, Irvine KN, Reed MS, Christie M, Brady E, Bryce R, Church A, Cooper N, Davies A, Evely A, Everard M, Jobstvogt N, Molloy C, Orchard-Webb J, Ranger S, Ryan M, Watson V (2015). What are shared and social values of ecosystems? Ecological Economics 111: 86-99.
More information about the Bridge project.