The Team
The project brings together leading experts with a strong track record of working together on multiple projects that have produced a range of important findings that this project builds on. Five of the team played a leading role in three of the original Valuing Nature Network projects: Valuing Peatlands; Stocks and Flows; and Bridge - From Values to Decisions. The Defra-funded Ecosystem services of peat project involved several of the project team, and others have collaborated previously on other Government and NERC funded projects. Two members of the team co-led the UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow On Shared, Plural & Cultural Values project.​​​​
​The Newcastle University team is drawn from the Schools of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Biology and Mathematics, working together as part of the Institute for Sustainability. The Institute coordinates research across disciplines to deliver practical, engaged solutions to real- world issues, under the banner of 'Enough, for all, forever'.

The University of Leeds team is part of water@leeds; one of the largest interdisciplinary centres for water research in the world, encompassing expertise from the physical, biological, chemical, social and economic sciences and engineering as well as the arts. water@leeds has excellent links with industry and a track record of collaborative research and development and joint innovation.
​Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) is one of the world’s oldest marine research institutes.​